Sunday, April 30, 2006

Health: Does 'Milk' Hurt Kids?

Newsweek/ | The Tip Sheet

A relatively innocuous and important article about how soy milk and rice milk aren't direct replacements for cow's milk (not that cow's milk is necessary, either), goes seriously wrong at the end, striking another blow for Big Dairy:
Talk to your pediatrician and check your child's diet against the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations ( After all, it's your job to do their body good.
Tell me no one is going to associate that last line with cow's milk. They will. The dairy industry would probably have paid for that kind of conclusion, if it could.

This type of final line tag seems fairly common in Newsweek, and it's this sort of glib, obnoxious tactic that led to canceling my subscription. Yes, it's your job to raise your children healthy, but does a news magazine writer have to spin things so that he or she is promoting dairy? I don't think so.

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