Friday, July 07, 2006

Viva Las Vegans | ASIAN POP

This is a great, very positive carnist's review of a vegan restaurant in Hawaii that hopes to be a template for a new way of doing business... and, of course, a new way of eating. But, rather than pushing their views on you, the proprietors hope to do their magic on you "at the cellular level":
"We're not asking you to 'convert.' We're not preaching to you. It's really great food -- enjoy it! And maybe if you enjoy it enough, you'll make the decision to go vegan on your own."
The article itself is fairly long, but it's a rewarding read, ultimately, if only to see a great philosophy driving a new business model with an optimistic dream of spreading their "model that empowers the individual while respecting the community and that seeks sustainability as well as growth."

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