Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Getting to the meat of a vegetarian diet

Another strongly considerate piece on vegetarian and vegan diets from Oklahoma's Enid News and Eagle. Other than the assertion that some vegetarians eat red meat occasionally (they may call themselves vegetarian but, if they eat any kind of meat, they are clearly omnivorous), the article is very even-handed, and leaves the reader with a positive impression of vegetarianism. In fact, the notion that one can be vegetarian and still occasionally eat red meat - while misleading - makes the diet that much more accessible for mainstream Americans living in Oklahoma and elsewhere. This ending best summarizes the piece:
There’s no question vegetarians must be careful planning diets to obtain essential nutrients. On the other hand, they are assured of abundant quantities of many important nutrients and antioxidants found only in plant products. And they face fewer concerns than meat eaters about saturated fats, cholesterol and excess calories.

Nutritionists stress the key to good health is eating a balanced diet including a variety of foods. In reaching that goal, vegetarians have no more and no less of a challenge than meat-eaters.
It's good that the author recommends careful planning, because too many people jump into vegetarianism carelessly and end up giving it up. With enough articles like this, parents will have enough information to stop freaking out when their children go vegetarian, too.

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