Saturday, February 18, 2006

Tofu dishes so tasty they'll have you hugging the trees

Here's a neat pro-tofu piece from a chef in Friday's News (excerpt):
Despite its undeniable nutritional values, in its basic state it is essentially a tasteless lump of protein and calcium. Not really getting your mouth watering so far, am I?

Well, in the defence of tofu, the majority of the chicken that we buy these days is also milky white and tastes of nothing much, but it continues to be highly popular. Why? Because it's cheap and adaptable. Like tofu.

When buying tofu, try to find the more interesting varieties such as marinated or smoked and that should help with the flavour problem. And, as it will happily absorb the flavours of its fellow ingredients, it's an ideal component of vegetarian stir-fries or curries. You could also try crumbling it through well-dressed salads or deep frying with sauces or dips.

So next time you're nosing around your local wholefood shop stocking up on mung beans and dandelion root, head for the fridge and have a look at the tofu. And don't be put off by appearances. Food is about fashion as much as anything else, but image needn't be everything.
It's a fun article that makes tofu into an adventure, which is always a joy to see. It ends with three delicious-looking recipes. Check it out.

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At 11:12 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I eat sooo much tofu! I've had to make a concerted effort just to tone it down. It's amazing what can be done with thet stuff by creative people who know what they're doing.


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