Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Chocolate Birthday Cake

Tonight was my first ever birthday cake that didn't come from a boxed mix. I used this recipe which was almost as easy as a prepackaged mix. The filling in between the layers is Soy Delicious Mint Marble Fudge "ice cream". My mom marveled that a vegan cake with "weird soy ice cream" could be this good.

We cut open the side of the ice cream container and then sliced the ice cream and put it on top of the first layer. By the time that step was done, it was all a little melted so we spread it even with a knife and then slid on the second layer. The icing is cookies and cream.

Cookies and Cream Frosting
4 oz plain Tofutti cream cheese
2 cups confectioners sugar, sifted
1 TBS margarine
1 tsp vanilla
5 Oreo (or similar type) cookies*

Measure the Tofutti, margarine, and vanilla into a bowl. Gradually add in the sifted confectioners sugar while beating with an electric mixer. Beat until icing is fluffy. Place cookies in a bag and crush with your hands, a hammer, or another heavy object. Once the cookies are coarsely crushed, fold them into the frosting. Ice your cake. Makes enough frosting for one (tall) 9' round cake.

*Most Oreos are actually vegan. There are some rogue packages floating around with dried whey in the ingredients, so check before you buy them if you're a vegan. Alternately, Newman-O's taste almost exactly the same, are not hydrogenated, and are always vegan.

Tags: cake | vegan recipes | vegan baking


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

I'm sorry but I can't let this go unchallenged....I have tried Newman-O's and they do NOT taste almost exactly the same. They were not good.

However, Country Choice organics chocolate sandwich creme cookies are da bomb. http://www.countrychoicenaturals.com/cookies.asp

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I don't know about the "oreo" kind (never actually had them), but I love the Ginger O's (think I'll raid my cabinet for some now, in fact), and the mint creme cookies... MMmmmm. I'll have to look around for the Country Choice variety.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Hmm, I honestly can't tell the difference between Oreos and Newman-O's, but I also like Tofutti "cheese" slices which most people think are about as edible as sheets of plastic so maybe my tastebuds are off.

I stick to Oreos anyway because I'm cheap.


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